Midwifery Futures
What is 'Futures'?
Our Midwifery Futures programme is designed to inspire and support Year 12 students interested in pursuing careers in Midwifery. It will also help you develop your skills and subject knowledge, giving you the opportunity to take part in talks, workshops and other enrichment activities alongside your current studies.
What’s included in the Futures programmes?
Each of our programmes are slightly different in terms of the scheduled activities throughout the year: specific details will be confirmed at the start of each programme. Each of our programmes runs from February in Year 12 to December in Year 13. The details below give you a general idea of the activities involved in each of our programmes.
Year 12
- Launch event, providing you with more information about the programme and applying to University.
- Subject taster sessions, helping you develop your insight into your chosen subject area.
- Skills workshops, helping you develop the skills you need to apply to your chosen subject area.
- Alumni talks.
- Study skills sessions, helping you develop the study skills required to help you do well in your current and future studies.
- Personal statement workshops, helping you understand how different universities use your personal statement and how best to write it.
Year 13
- Support for your transition to University, helping to bridge the gap between college and undergraduate study.
- Interview skills workshop, helping you find out about the different types of interviews and the skills and attributes universities are looking for.
- Futures Graduation, celebrating your achievements over the 12 month programme
How is it delivered?
Fortnightly sessions will be delivered online via Zoom. University staff, current students, and guest speakers will deliver content, with opportunities for you to interact and participate. You will also have the opportunity to visit the University of Leeds for an on campus day to delve deeper into your chosen subject, meet your fellow participants, and find out more about studying at university.
Online sessions will take place on a weekday evening, during term-time, so that they do not interfere with your current studies.
Our on campus days will take place in the Easter holidays, and the Spring Bank half term holiday, so that they do not interfere with your studies.
What are the eligibility criteria?
Our Futures programmes are open to current Year 12 / first year college students who have a genuine interest in applying to study health-related courses at university. We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity to students from all backgrounds, recognising that some groups are under-represented on university courses and in certain health careers.
Students applying to Futures must meet the following criteria:
- Year 12 / first year college student.
- Have achieved at least in Grade 5 in GCSE English, Maths and Science
- Be studying suitable A Levels, BTEC, CACHE or T Level qualifications to study Midwifery at University
- Be Able to commit to joining the online sessions on a fortnightly basis (one weekday evening throughout term-time)
Priority will also be given to students who also meet two of the following criteria:
- your parents / carers did not go to university
- you are eligible for free school meals or from a household with an annual income of £25,000 or below
- you live in an area with low progression to higher education (use our online postcode checker)
- you attend a school achieving below the national average at GCSE (Attainment 8 score)
- you live or grew up in public care
- your studies have been disrupted by circumstances in your personal, social or domestic life. (Except in extreme circumstances, disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic will not be considered)
Consideration will also be give to applicants who meet just our postcode criteria (use our online postcode checker)
Priority will also be given to students who are from groups under-represented in healthcare education.
For further guidance on eligibility, please refer to our our Additional Information and Eligibility Guidelines.
How do I apply?
Applications for this programme will close on Sunday 28th January 2024.
If you are interested in hearing more about the 2024 programme, please complete this expression of interest form.